Download The Pirate Caribbean Hunt MOD APK 3.3 Unlimited Gold
Free Download The Pirate Caribbean Hunt MOD APK 3.3 Unlimited Gold : Selamat malam sobat game lovers senang
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Game ini sangat seru loh sob dan tentunya pasti menantang keberanian
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Sobat game lovers game ini adalah game action adventure yaitu aksi yang menantang dimana ada sebuah kapal laut yang besar itupun bukan kapal biasa tapi kapal seorang bajak laut yang terus mengarungi dari pulau ke pulau dan sobat sendiri bisa memainkan game ini degan menjadi pengendali kapal atau penyusun cara strategis dalam bertempur dengan kapal milik musuh. Sobat pasti merasakan keseruan dalam permainan ini sob tentunya itu bisa bikin sobat gak galau dan tidak ada rasa gangges lagi karena game ini keren lo sob. Buruan download dan mainkan game ini jangan ketinggalan sobat.
Description :
Hail to the Captain!
Sail into the heart of the Caribbean in the Age of Piracy – the time of black flags and white skulls, blue waves and golden opportunities.
Hoist the Jolly Roger and grab the steering wheel to sail through battles and raids, ransoms and treasures, to become the Crimson King of the Antilles!
– 18 classes of ships,
– unlimited fleet size
– multiple ships control during the fights
– ship to fort fights with heavy mortars.
– 5 types of ammo – cannon balls, chain bals, grapeshots bombs, doubles,
– special weapons: explosive barrels, burning oil, battering rams, pre-boarding attacks
– 30 ship upgrades
– character development, experience gaining and level ups
– 20 captain skills – unlocking new game features and possibilities
– realistic sailing model, distances and time passage
– hundreds of islands and dozens of ports
– day/night cycle
– building construction and upgrades
– multiple player held bases
– unlimited number of sea battles of few types (merchants, smugglers, convoys, militatry, treasure galeon, pirate fight, escort)
– story-driven campaign set in a living world full of people.
– reputation in 5 nations,
Unlimited Gold Coins
Requires Android: 2.3 and Up
Version: 3.3
Sail into the heart of the Caribbean in the Age of Piracy – the time of black flags and white skulls, blue waves and golden opportunities.
Hoist the Jolly Roger and grab the steering wheel to sail through battles and raids, ransoms and treasures, to become the Crimson King of the Antilles!
– 18 classes of ships,
– unlimited fleet size
– multiple ships control during the fights
– ship to fort fights with heavy mortars.
– 5 types of ammo – cannon balls, chain bals, grapeshots bombs, doubles,
– special weapons: explosive barrels, burning oil, battering rams, pre-boarding attacks
– 30 ship upgrades
– character development, experience gaining and level ups
– 20 captain skills – unlocking new game features and possibilities
– realistic sailing model, distances and time passage
– hundreds of islands and dozens of ports
– day/night cycle
– building construction and upgrades
– multiple player held bases
– unlimited number of sea battles of few types (merchants, smugglers, convoys, militatry, treasure galeon, pirate fight, escort)
– story-driven campaign set in a living world full of people.
– reputation in 5 nations,
What’s In The MOD:
Unlimited Gold Coins
Requires Android: 2.3 and Up
Version: 3.3
Screenshot :
Link Download :
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Download The Pirate Caribbean Hunt MOD APK 3.3 Unlimited Gold
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